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So, it has been a bit and so much has changed lately!

School is back in session! Braxton is a first grader! I can't believe he is that old already. He knows all his sight words almost instantly and can spell all the words on the first months list. He just turned 6 and according to him he can lose his teeth now that he is 6. He isn't wrong though, he got his first loose tooth a few days ago. It is on bottom and he thanks me when I pack soft food in his lunch. He is playing football and doing great. He is one of the smaller kids on the team but seems to hold his own pretty well. He has been playing offense and defense. I think that is about it for hi,

Rogan has started Pre-K. The first couple of days he was ok. Then his amazingly stubborn attitude came out. He was in time out for hitting and kicking the teacher. He cries and hangs on me when I drop him off and is in time out a few times in the 3 hours he is there. We have really been working with him and today is the first day he didn't freak out! He seemed really upset still but he gave me a kiss and went and sat with his class. This is a huge improvement! Yesterday he didn't get in trouble but he sat on the bench the entire class because he told his teacher that he was not going to participate that day. She would ask him occasionally to come join the class and he didn't want to. I really pray he gets over this soon! I have been trying to spend one on one time with him and his school stuff. Other than that, he just turned 4. Still pees in his pants but he has gotten so much better since school started. He can recognize all his letters and numbers already and can spell his name. At his last doctor apointment they said he looks great, he is small but I blame that on me.

Parker is just awesome. The child talks all the time. ALL the time. Serioulsy. He sings and dances and knows songs and he really thinks he is funny. He thinks he is 6 years old. He eats!!! Almost as much as he talks. I really don't have a lot to say about him.

As for me, if you haven't heard, we are having another baby. It was a bit of a shock but we are getting excited. I will do a separate blog post today or tomorrow and update on everything that has been going on with that.

Until then...