I am going to try to update now since the children are quiet for once. Charles will probably kill me later since dishes are rotting away in the sink but here goes nothing...
Baby is now the size of a plum.
I had an OB appointment this Monday which was incredibly disappointing. Although I feel SO much better there are some issues that I am having that I do not feel were addressed at all. Mainly, I don't sleep. I have tried cutting out all caffeine, not taking naps in the day with the boys, going to bed early, staying up late, and other things with no luck. I will lay in bed awake until 2 or 3 am and if anything wakes me up I cannot go back to sleep. I have to get up around 6:30 to get the kids off to school so only sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night is not working for me. I tried Tylenol PM but I keep having some crazy muscle spasm reaction to it so that is definitely out. My primary told me that Melatonin is not safe in pregnancy either. When I asked my OB about the issue I really feel like he didn't even answer the question and rushed me out of the room.
I called the nurse that afternoon and explained the situation to her and told her that I had thought of changing doctors anyway and that if he couldn't help me then I would find another OB. I hate feeling this way since this is the same Dr. I have seen for 7 years now and have never had a problem with. But I NEED SLEEP!!! Other than that things are great with the baby. My weight has held steady at 102 for 2 whole weeks now so I have finally stopped losing weight and hopefully will be putting it on in the next month.
I had an ultrasound and even though I knew how much more developed the baby would be I was still in shock seeing it! The heart rate was 156. You could see 2 arms with hands and fingers, 2 legs with feet, and a clearly defined body and head. It was bouncing all around in there even though I won't be able to tell for a few more weeks. That is about all that is going on in that department so I will leave you a picture of the little bean.
P.S. The thing that looks like a tongue sticking out is a hand. :)
I See You. You Matter.
7 years ago
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