I love the fair!!! There is something about the fact that these rides can be put together in less than 2 hours that adds to the thrill of getting on one. I love the food. I highly doubt the health department even bothers to stroll through the fair grounds due to the fear of what they will find. We go to the fair just about every year. Every year I go with the knowledge that I will spend way more than I want to but yet I do it anyway. This was the first year I have ever been to the fair and not been able to ride any rides. It was a little disappointing. I probably shouldn't admit it but I even put off taking a pregnancy test with Rogan so that I didn't "know" until after the fair.
This year we got to take all of the kids and they were big enough to enjoy it. Well, Parker enjoyed some of it. We went on 75 cent night and it was crazy! I think the majority of Pensacola was there, we were rained on a few times and it was LATE! Way later than we normally keep the boys out, especially on a school night with a spelling test the next day. When all was said and done though, it was totally worth it. We really got to spend some time together and the boys had a blast. Parker thought the lemur was the most amazing thing he has ever seen and I had to pull him away. The older kids had so much fun on all the rides (Braxton was disappointed he couldn't ride the big ones) and it was a relatively stress free event. That's it. Next year will be even better but we will probably be leaving the baby at home. Anyone up for babysitting?
I See You. You Matter.
7 years ago
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