Operation Try New Foods: Asparagus

I know it is absolutely insane that I haven't had asparagus.

I have had it once or twice but I have never bought or cooked it. There are quite a few foods that I am sure are common household items that I have never touched.

I didn't really do a lot to them. Just looked around a little online and figured out how to prep them. I bent them on the bottom until it snapped and the stem looked fresh and then cut the rest to that length. It was about 2 1/2 inches from the bottom. I coated them with olive oil, sprinkled some garlic salt and then passed them off to Charles to grill. He put them on a hot grill for about a minute or two and turned them again until they seemed ready.

They were really good!!! We have cooked them twice so far and I love it! Brax will eat a couple and Ro will eat one or two. Parker breaks down and cries but at least he tried once. I have no clue how to cook them on a stove but that will come next. :)