Operation Try New Foods: Avocado

Random conversation with Parker this morning:

Him: Momma, did you remember that fruit thing we tried. The ah-buh.... ah-buh...
Me: Avocado
Him: Yep the ah-buh-cado. It didn't like to be in my throat (or froat as he says).
Me: Oh yeah? You didn't like it?
Him: Yeah, I did but it just didn't like to be in my throat or my belly because I taste weird!
{insert incredibly cute giggle here}

I know I say this everyday but that child cracks me up! He has the craziest imagination and comes up with the most random things!

I know everyone on the planet has had avocado before. I eat guacamole occasionally but I haven't ever had just plain ol' avocado. We looked online and read a little about where it came from and if it is a fruit or veggie. I think the boys were a surprised about the answer. Charles wasn't around to try it but I have a feeling he would have been as impressed as I was.

That thing was gross! Maybe I got a bad one or it wasn't ripe or something. The boys didn't really care for it and I thought it tasted like eggs. Weird. And the texture was a little odd too. I guess I thought it would have a creamier, smoother consistency. While I am glad we tried it I doubt that is something we will be having again any time soon.