I have to do it. I probably shouldn't do it. But I have to.
I can't help it and I really hope we are all still friends after all these posts. I do not take offense to most of the Frequently Asked Questions but at some point I've gotta come up with something to say so I don't lose any more of my mind. These are questions anyone would ask in conversation or when you know someone but when asked out of the blue, by strangers, they tend to throw you off just a little.
Here we go.
Question 1: How old are you?
Answer 1: *Raises eyebrows*.......
^^Ummmm..... sometimes I really let the silence stretch out. I am quite good at awkward silences. But really?! Rude.^^
Answer 2: 31.
^^And here it comes.... "I would have thought you were *insert anywhere from 16 to 24 here*. Well, when you get to be my age..."
Why do they never finish that statement? What will I do when I get to be there age? And how old are they? I don't know because I don't ask because 90% of the time it is an older lady who says this. I do appreciate it, I really do. The part that amuses me the most about this statement is that is doesn't matter if the exact same syllables were already rolling off of the persons tongue, if I jump in and say, "Well, when I get to be your age..." they never find it quite as clever.^^
My favorite variation of this question is "What are you? About 16?"
And yes, when this is asked, they say "what are you".
This leads us to one of my favorite answers for just about anything I get asked:
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