A long time coming. Big Prayers and Big Decisions.

4 years ago, on August 31, 2007, I knew I would have a decision to make.

My first son, Braxton, was born on August 20, 2003. I was 37 weeks 6 days pregnant when he decided to make an appearance. My second son, Rogan, was born June 19, 2005. I was 37 weeks 6 days pregnant when he decided to join us. So, here I am, August 31, 2007. I am 37 weeks 6 days pregnant and I know in my heart that this little guy is going to make me wait.

It isn't a huge deal waiting. It isn't like I was overdue. At this point I had never even made it to 38 weeks. My issue was more a minor detail. If this child was not born by September 1st then he would have to wait an entire year before starting kindergarten. I know. Petty. It just wasn't part of my plan. I didn't mind that he would be home a year longer but it really bugged me that he would be 2 years behind Rogan. Instead of 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades, they would be Kindergarten, 3rd and 5th. Instead of spending two years together in high school Parker and Rogan would only be together for one. I didn't want my child to be a full year older than everyone else in the class although I didn't even have a good supporting argument.

I really had an issue with this. I researched it and there isn't anything you can really do. Not to mention, I haven't even given birth yet and I was consumed with an issue that was years away.

Fast Forward.

(I understand that I am the mom. Of course I think my children are uber geniuses. I am writing this as non biased as possible.)

For the past few years, any time the subject of Parker and school is brought up, I have simply prayed about it. All things happen for a reason in God's time. I was going to let nature run it's course, so to speak. We had done a little more research and there are not a whole lot of options. It is a state law that requires the child to be a specific age by Sept. 1 and it is for Kindergarten and 1st grade. We could pay for pre-k out of pocket to the program that Braxton and Rogan attended and that would be great as far as his learning goes but when it was over we were still in the same boat.

I could home school but realistically??? We have sent emails asking if there were any tests he could take to allow him to start this year and the answer was no. I do realize that the law is there for a reason. There is always going to be someone who wants to be the exception. You have to put a cut off somewhere and someone is going to get the short end of the stick. I understand this. I had become content with not pushing things or asking for an exception until recently. I have one child in IB, one child in a gifted program and hope to have another one in the gifted program next year as well.

I cannot take any credit for this! I have been blessed with extremely smart children. Parker really seems to be following suit. I knew he would pick stuff up from his brothers but he has picked up a LOT more than I thought possible. The crazy part is, you never know what he has learned! All of a sudden, at the most random times, he starts subtracting, or writing, or spelling words. All of this leading up to a couple of days ago when I wrote HAPPY BIRTHDAY on a paper and handed him a pen. The result?

I am not saying it is perfect or that other children can't do the same thing but I do know that it is really good for a child who is 3 and hasn't had anyone teaching them other than sitting at the table with his brothers while they do homework. This was with no help at all. I didn't even realize he could do it! All of this lately though has confirmed the feeling that he needs and wants to learn. So that brings us to our other option. Private school.

I have been avoiding this for 4 years. There are so many issues.
1. Money
2. He has to go for 3 years. Well, legally 2 but I really think he needs to start school now with pre-k.
3. He will be in a different school than his brothers.
4. He will end up changing schools after first grade.
...on and on and on...

We looked at a few of the private schools in town and the one with a later birthday cut off and best price is Pensacola Christian Academy. I am not writing this to hear any negative comments about the school. It is a large private school in Pensacola and has been around for 50+ years. People seem to have strong feelings about the school. There are good, there are bad but that is not the point. Charles and I have been praying about this decision for a long time. I have been incredibly skeptical but in my heart I know that it will be the best thing for Parker.

There are still a few things that need to fall into place. One is money. Because we are just considering this option when we register we will have to pay the registration fee as well as the July tuition payment. There isn't a payment in August but in September there is a tuition payment as well and a fee for books and supplies. Fortunately this covers everything. They even provide him with a satchel with his name on it to carry back and forth. He can wear his regular clothes and the only thing she mentioned was the boys are supposed to have short hair.

I truly believe that this is going to be a good thing. Just walking into the front office has the child in awe! He begs to go to school. He always tells me about his class and what his teacher will be like and his friends. I was worried but I know that he is ready. It is such a bittersweet thing to see him so grown up but still my little boy. There are still a few things that need to fall into place but I believe it is all going to work out. I have prayed and prayed and have a peace about everything. I am not exactly sure where the money is going to come from but God provides. I feel like I would be doing something wrong if I were to keep him home another year when I know that he is more than capable of succeeding in a class room.

I know that this has been a novel and if you have made it this far, BLESS YOU! Please just be keeping us in your prayers. This is an adjustment for the whole family. Any questions or comments are welcome but please be respectful of the school itself. Thanks so much for the support!