It really has been a while since I have done this. It has been a roller coaster pregnancy. I think we are finally starting to settle down. I finally feel good, just in time to hit the 3rd trimester. Here are the basics. Baby is now the size of an eggplant.
She is over a foot long and weighs about 1 1/2 pounds! Or at least that is the textbook measurement. I am measuring really good so she probably is. I have gained 10 pounds so far. I know this does not sound like a lot but I usually do not gain weight until month 7 so there is time. My guess is that I will gain another 20. My next appointment is on Feb. 8th and I will have my glucose tested then. Wish me luck, I always fail that stupid thing. I have not had a 20 week ultrasound but I have had them for other reasons. Hopefully I can get one more before too long.
Basically, I changed docs. It was crazy. I should have listened to my instinct and gone to Jenny Allen from the beginning of the pregnancy but I didn't. I changed from Dr. Lile to another OB and it was worse. Charles even put his foot down and told me I had to change. I feel bad about changing so much but I made it over to Jenny Allen's office and that is where I am going to stay. The only thing that makes me nervous is delivering at Baptist. I have never been impressed with Sacred Heart and have only heard great things about Baptist so I am not sure why I care so much. I did like the idea of having the childrens hospital right there but I know I won't need it. My chance for uterine rupture is higher since I have had a previous c-section but if I were to rupture I doubt I will be in a position to worry to much about what is going on with the baby.
Anyway... I feel really good. Headaches are gone (mostly), I can eat without getting sick, I finally have some energy. My goal before Ryleigh gets here is to organize the house. I have done ok. Boys room, play room, most of Ryleigh's room, living room, office and part of the kitchen are all done. I just need to finish the kitchen, clean out the linen closet, my room and mainly my clothes. Not too bad. Please don't confuse organized with clean though. While I may not have a bunch of junk in the house, the stuff I do have still gets out of control.
I have a few projects I am working on. Plush toys, booties, burp rags. Stuff like that. I am going to be making some sets to sell as well. All in all things are going really well!
Oh yeah... the progesterone shots. Here is the deal with those. I was getting contractions starting around 14-15 weeks. They started like your typical Braxton Hicks contractions. Then they got worse. They would be every 10, 8, 5 or 3 minutes. They were regular and PAINFUL. I was given the option of taking 17P injections. This is basically just progesterone. If you know me, you know I am scared to death of needles but honestly the thought of no more contractions was just that great. The thing with the contractions I get though is that they are pretty much harmless. I do not dilate or anything. They are painful and annoying but are not putting me at risk for preterm delivery. That said, I think Jenny Allen feels that it is too aggressive a treatment. Typically, when you are on the injections you see a high risk doctor and are monitored closely for cervical change. For me, it's convenience. So, I think I will be stopping them soon. I pray there is enough progesterone in me to keep the contractions away. Even if they aren't threatening the baby, they are still painful and annoying. The next day I always feel like I was beat up. I have 3 boys at home and it is hard to do anything when you are in that much pain but I know it won't be for long.
That is the update. Hopefully there will be more uneventful things to write about soon!
I See You. You Matter.
7 years ago
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