I wanted to write this down because I forget EVERYTHING! Really. It's bad.
If you didn't know this already Parker is the funniest kid on the planet. I have had the best time hanging out with just him 3 hours each day. He comes up with the most hilarious stuff all the time. You never know what he is going to say, and believe me, whatever it is, he can say it.
So here are some of the things that I think are the cutest things ever!
**My friend Daddy** Any time Parker is telling me to show his dad or give his dad something he says : Mommy, give this to your friend Daddy.
I have no clue where he got this but it's pretty cute.
**Chocolate Milk and Milk** I have no idea why he started this. He used to just say chocolate milk but lately he asks for chocolate milk and milk. I guess he thinks the syrup is the chocolate milk so he has to ask for milk too. No clue.
**Bublong and Bubloons** Again, he used to say these things fine. Now, instead of belong, he tells you to put things where they bublong. And, instead of balloons, it's bubloons.
He wrote on his foot with a pen last night. We were in the car this morning and he said "Mommy, I wrote on my foot. It says E I O Parker."
He yells arriba at the garage door to get it to open.
The child is crazy :)
OH--- I forgot to add in the baby update--- I eat ice. This is a habit that I cannot stand. If I drink is in the fridge I usually don't even add ice. But then comes that 6th month and it starts. I have done it every time. And I don't mean a cup here and there, I mean pounds of ice. There are some days I will go to Sonic 3 times and get a Route 44 cup of ice. My ice maker barely keeps up with the amount of ice I go through and I am sure in a couple of months it won't. I am not too sure why I do this but I know my iron drops really low late in pregnancy. I am going to ask when I go back to the doc and see if maybe it is already low. We will see :)
I See You. You Matter.
7 years ago
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