You know you should potty train when...

Ok, Parker has this deal lately with taking off his diaper. No clue why. This morning as I was putting him in the car to take the boys to school I realized he still had his PJs on but no diaper. Where could it have gone? Keep in mind, it's 40 degrees out, we should have left 8 minutes ago and the other kids are already in the car and buckled. I am not about to go in for a diaper. I will clean the car seat later. Ok, we all get buckled in and ready to go and I'm asking Parker where his diaper is and he keeps saying in his pants. BUT it's NOT unless that is the thinnest diaper in the world and after sleeping the last 12 hours in it, thin is the furthest thing it would be from. After insisting and insisting that I need to get his diaper from his pants, I look back to see Parker holding his leg in the air and an enormous mass hanging from his calf. WHAT?! How on earth did his diaper get from around his waste to around his ankle while still fastened on both sides and his pants still on??? HOW?!

As far as potty training goes... I really think I should start. I don't because, honestly, it's sort of a pain in the butt. I was thinking of waiting until summer when he can just run naked in the backyard but lately he has really started recognizing when he needs to go. The fact that he has figured out how to take his diaper off isn't helping either. Not only does the child take off his poopy diaper, he finds it hilarious to chase Rogan around with it! Now I have one child running around and screaming for his life, well, at least his cleanliness, while my barely 2 year old is chasing him holding a foul beast of a diaper and leaving a little Hansel and Gretel turd trail throughout the house.

Yep, to the potty we go.