Ryleigh is 9 months old!

{ignore the fact that I should be doing laundry}

I can't believe it!!! Well, first I STILL can't believe she is a girl and then I can't believe she is just 3 months away from being 1!

We had to stop by the peds office to check her weight since I have yet to buy a scale but she weighed in at a whopping 16 pounds! I have no clue how tall she is at the moment but I may break out the tape measure later.

When people see her and comment on how big she has gotten I kinda want to laugh. She hasn't gotten bigger she has just gotten older. I love that she is my little peanut. As small as she is though she wears age appropriate clothes. This makes absolutely no sense to me.

As far as new stuff there is a lot going on. She finally started eating food around 7 1/2 months. She eats mostly whatever we are having but will eat some baby food. This drives my grandmother bonkers because for some reason she thinks that fresh steamed veggies aren't as good for her as baby food veggies. No clue. She will drink from a cup. It is still a little hard for her to hold it up but she does ok. She normally lays back on the bean bag chair with her cup and watches Mickey Mouse. I have never had a child interested in TV this young. She really likes Mickey.

Yes, she is still breastfeeding. She nurses about 4-5 a day times still but once is around 12-1 am. How long will she breastfeed? Well, my typical answer is however long she wants. This answer tends to shut people up when it comes to voicing their negative opinions. The truth is... I am not sure. I nursed the boys until about 1. Braxton woke up 3 days after his one year birthday and just stopped. Rogan was closer to 16 months. He was a little harder and also the only child who never had a bottle and held on to the paci a little longer. Parker stopped nursing around 10 or 11 months when he could drink milk because I was working at the time and it was just too much. Ryleigh can stop whenever is good for her. Charles is ready for that to be tomorrow! But she is my last baby and I don't want to rush things, they are flying by as it is! Do I think I will be nursing her at 2? I doubt it. I don't see anything wrong with it but 12-18 months seems to be a good time frame for me and for our family.

She is CRAWLING! Over the last week she has gone from moving a couple feet to across the house. She never really did the "army crawl" like the boys but has been up on all fours. I cannot think about her walking soon. She doesn't really stand or pull up on things just yet so I am thankful for that!

She still says DADA and BUBBA. She refuses to say MAMA. She will cry for me and is starting to reach for me to pick her up. She thinks she is supposed to be on my hip at all times and I don't mind too much. I am kinda fascinated with her. She is in LOVE with Parker. I am sure the fact that he is here with her all day helps but whenever he is around she lights up. He does so good with her most of the time! This morning he tried to shoot her in the head with a nerf gun but mostly he adores her. He calls her Ryleigh bug or baby girl and helps her and tries to teach her things. It is precious.

I can't believe time is going by so fast and before you know it that girl will be having a birthday!