Ice Cream Cone Shirt

Of course for my baby's first birthday I felt the need for her to have something special to wear. I found a couple of shirts on the best site in the world, a.k.a. ETSY, but I couldn't get the one I really wanted in time for her party. I could have tried to make it but it seemed a little above my skill level, not to mention, I like to see quick results! I came across an idea I liked online and decided to duplicate that instead.

I have a habit of picking up plain white or colored shirts when I can find them on clearance. I usually pay $2-$3 for them and then can add whatever I want and it ends up being a small portion of the price of one you would find already made. I didn't have a white shirt though and so I found this one at Walmart for $6.50. The buttons were less than $2 per pack and I only ended up using 2. The red ones I found on clearance for 50 cents. The glue I bought at JoAnn's and I think it was around $3. All total was a little more than I had hoped but I have buttons and glue left for next time.

Here are my supplies:

The glue I used (I wasn't sure when I bought it how it would work because it was a little cheaper and not a brand I'm familiar with but I was pretty happy with it):

The first step is to just lay out the buttons where you want them. It's that simple. I tried to center the design as best I could by just looking at it.

Then just glue them down. I found that using tweezers helped grab them without messing up the design too much. Mine ended up being not as close together as I would have liked but I think it still turned out ok. After they were all glued I picked up the shirt to make sure none fell off.

Then I grabbed a needle and thread and added a stitch to each button. I used a quilting needle because it is what I could find easily but I think a regular length needle would have been better for this.

I really like the look the thread added to the shirt.

And that was it. Took just a couple hours and less than $15.