36 Weeks

So, an update, finally.

I am 36 weeks today! It is a great thing, until you realize that I have only made the 38 week mark once. And then it is terrifying. I don't think I am ready! Do I have everything? I am at a loss as to what to even pack in a hospital bag. I know I have done this a few times before but it is still a HUGE step. Another baby! More sleepless nights. More diapers. Then it all ends so quickly. Some times I wish things would slow down but for the most part I am ready to not be pregnant any more. Ever again. I am ready to close this chapter and start writing a new one. One that doesn't involve newborns but toddlers and children who can tie their own shoes. I am ready for school plays and ballgames. Saturdays at the beach with no concern for nap time and breastfeeding. But anyway...

I had a 36 week checkup yesterday. Basics... I gained another 4 pounds putting me at 26 total. I thought I would have gained more than that. I normally do but there is still a little time. I have cut back on my sugar intake so I am sure that was a factor in not gaining as much. At least the weight I gained was a little healthier. Blood pressure is great and so is pretty much everything else. The only thing is that I do have some swelling. My body has never even thought about swelling anywhere before so to actually see it is CRAZY! My ankles are disappearing! It's very disturbing but doc says nothing to worry about.

I had an ultrasound and baby looks really good. She measures at 38 weeks and 7 pounds 5 ounces. Kinda crazy since I have never had a 7 pounder. Everything about is perfect except the fact that she is breech. Oh joy.

For those who don't know, Braxton was also breech. He was head down until 36 weeks and then went breech and I felt every moment of it. It hurt. At my 37 week check up I was told that he was definitely breech and that a c-section would be scheduled at 39 weeks. I went into labor a few days later and from the time I got to the hospital until the time he was born was only 2 hours. It was an incredibly fast process and I honestly didn't like any of it from the surgery to recovery. But since then I have had 2 VBAC's and have been so much happier with the way those went.

As for my options this time around, there are a few things I can do. I have tried every suggestion I can find online on how to turn a breech baby. I have not been swimming, although I tried, it was just COLD!!! I could see a chiropractor or an acupuncturist if I wanted. As of right now we are going to try to do an external cephalic version. This to me seems a bit extreme and I always said I would never let someone try to turn my baby but when faced with the option of that or another cesarean I am willing to try.

Basically, the procedure is this:
You go to the hospital and receive an epidural and a shot of something to relax your muscles, usually terbutaline since it relaxes your uterus. Then you are hooked up to monitors and an ultrasound machine. A doctor and a few other people come in, grease up your belly and manually turn your baby. You have to be monitored for 6 hours after the procedure but then you are sent home to wait for labor. Whenever that may be.

Yes, there is a chance baby may flip back. There is a chance you will go into labor. With me, there is a greater chance of uterine rupture. The fact that they give you an epidural to even do this is scary. I mean... seriously?! An epidural??! How bad would it hurt without one? But I don't think it is so much a pain factor as it is they want you to be really relaxed so that the procedure actually works. This is all assuming that I am even able to do the version. I have an appointment tomorrow with the high risk doc to see if I am a candidate. They measure the baby, fluid levels, check the position of the placenta and other things. If all that is good they could set the appointment as early as Friday!

All of this scares me. I am scared of doing this but I am terrified of having another c-section. I stink at dealing with pain and I have 3 other children to look after not to mention a newborn. I just don't think I could handle that well. Not to mention all the feelings I have about the operating room. Sometimes cesareans are necessary but I do believe that most of the time we don't give our bodies enough credit. If it comes down to it and I have to have one then I will live. I will get over it and will be fine just like everyone else but I am really praying that is not the case. I guess we will find out tomorrow!