Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This

It started so well. As well as I could have hoped for considering I had to get all the kids up and dressed, dropped off at school and then be back to Braxton's school by 8:15 for a presentation. Charles had to help out some and Ryleigh could have used another feeding but all in all I was rather impressed with myself. We arrived at the school and made it to our seats and through the whole presentation with no melt downs. We strolled around afterward and dropped off paperwork as well as visited some classes. I had such confidence with my 2 small children that I made the assumption the other 2 errands would be a breeze and we would be eating lunch at home in no time.


Stop 1: The DMV. While I never expected this to be easy, I did plan on going during a slow time and brought along things to occupy Parker while we waited. I just needed to renew my license which has been expired for about 3 months. Little did I know I would need every form of legal documentation I have ever owned. Ok, I can still do this. We will just swing over to the mother in laws house and get my marriage license, no big deal. So here I sit in her driveway when I realized I don't have a key. But Charles says a key on his works so I try them...all...nothing. I climb the privacy fence and get the same luck on the back doors.

Home I go. I search and search for my key to her house but cannot seem to find it. I do find her spare set of keys that she keeps over here so I head back. We try the front, scale the fence again, and try the back. No luck. She says I may be able to get in a window to the garage where her dogs stay so after prying the screen off the window and being nearly attacked by a wasp whose home I had just relocated I manage to get in. Now if only life were that simple. The door going from the garage to the house is locked and all 5 of my keys are useless.

Trip 3. I go home AGAIN. I dig and dig and dig and finally find a key that isn't MY key but it's all that is left. Make it BACK to her house try again and we are FINALLY in! At this point I have Parker, Ryleigh (who is hungry again) and Rogan. I get all my paperwork together and off we go. We get there around 11:30 which isn't too bad but having seen it earlier I knew there would be a wait.

I was so proud of the boys! They actually sat and played for a few minutes. I fed Ryleigh half of her lunch and then it was our turn. I managed to answer a million questions, do an eye exam and take a picture with the boys hanging on my legs. Then we realized I had left one of my proofs of address in the car. Great. While rounding them all up Parker jumped on a bulletin board on wheels right over my foot. So now my limping and bleeding self is hauling us all out to the car for a water bill. Really?! You have my old license, my birth certificate, social security card, marriage license, and car registration. Do you really need a water bill?

That done we get to move to the computers and take a road signs test. 2 year olds and touch screens should never be put in the same area. There were a lot of "NO"s and "DONT TOUCH THAT" and other threats involved but I managed to pass. We go back to gather up all our paperwork and Paker decided he was done and sprinted out the front door and into the parking lot. I yell for poor Rogan to stay inside by his sister and some nice lady helps me chase down Parker. Now I must head all the way to the other side of the room thoroughly embarrassed and wanting to choke my child, within the limits of the law of course.

We head to the 2nd waiting room to pay and get the license. Boys are good, Ryleigh is screaming. As I am paying the man Parker AGAIN decides to sprint out the door and into the other parking lot. Now here I am, wallet all over this mans counter, and I am running after him while holding a 3 week old. I then pin him to the counter with my leg until I can get a firm grip on him to leave.

Good times.

So much for my plans to go home and eat. I am really trying to save money. But today we ended up at Taco Bell (so healthy) and I bought them cheesy roll-ups and a sprite. They ate, well, more like shredded their food in the back of the car while I fed Ryleigh. While she was eating she also felt the need to fill her pants. I mean fill. This was our first blow out. Of course it happened in a Gymboree outfit, in the car, in a Taco Bell parking lot.

But, we are home now. Kids are playing in the sprinkler, Ryleigh is napping, and I am having a couple minutes of nothing before all my evening chores start again. Not all days are like this. If they were I really would have stopped at 1. Everyday is an adventure though! Let's hope tomorrow's adventure is a little less adventurous!